Sweepstakes Offer + ProPush Tag: An Easy Way to Get Extra 30% to Your Profit [Case Study]

Today we want to share a successful case study from our partner who added the Tag on a landing page and received a significant additional income easily. All he did was just set the Tag in a couple of clicks.

Not all the affiliates know about special tools for additional monetization - those that can help you get more income without too much effort. One of such tools is a Smart Tag from ProPush.me. 

We bet that you will get inspired by this example, so read on and take a good note!

A few words about the ProPush.me Smart Tag

The Smart Tag could be installed to your landing page as an opt-in window that will help you collect push subscribers for additional monetization. This means that you can receive cash from your main offer, plus - from users that subscribe to push notifications. 

The opt-in window or form doesn’t interfere with the flow. Whether users subscribe or not, they stay on the page of your main offer without getting redirected to another one. As such, they continue interacting with the offer, which means that your conversions won’t be affected. 

Now let’s move to the case study of our partner and see how this Tag works practically. 

Case study: basic details

Our partner is a media buying company focused on SOI (single opt-in) leads. Here are the offer details: 

  • Offer: Sweepstake Gift Card
  • Vertical: Sweepstakes 
  • Flow type: SOI
  • Pricing model (ProPush side): RevShare (СPM)

Our partner also used a pre-landing page with a survey. The ProPush.me Tag was installed right to this page, take a look:

As you can see, there is an opt-in window out there and this is exactly the way the Smart Tag works. Users can subscribe for push notifications if they want to and this will bring additional income to your main offer. If they refuse, well, nothing really happens - people will continue interacting with your pages, that's all.

So, our partner just added the Smart Tag to the landing page of the offer. Sweepstakes offers don’t require any specific Smart Tag settings - you just put the Tag code to the body of your landing page, as high as you can. The service worker file (the one responsible for push notifications delivery) should be placed to the landing’s root directory. Here:


As we have mentioned before, users stay on the offer page after they subscribe (or not), which ensures stable CR. Our partner didn’t set TrafficBack, because it doesn’t fit his funnel. Still, it’s a good idea to test it for your offer and set it up at the end of the funnel once the main offer conversion has already happened - this will add extra monetization to that user. 

The chosen pricing model was RevShare (CPM). Compared to CPS (one-time payment per each subscribed user), RevShare ensures gradual long-term income, which suited our partner better. 

Traffic details

And now let’s talk about specifics of traffic purchased at PropellerAds and used for the main Sweepstakes offer:

  • Period: 05/11/2021 - 05/12/2021
  • Format: Popunder 
  • GEOs: Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Ecuador, Mexico
  • Platforms: Android - 54%, Windows - 21%, MacOS - 9%
  • Budget: $700-$2000 daily

Our partner preferred Popunder, since this format is the most suitable one for his business model that entails significant lead volumes.  

Finally, we moved to statistics, and here are our partner’s traffic and GEO spends in his PropellerAds advertiser account:


And now let’s take a look at the additional income from the ProPush Tag for the same GEOs and during the same period:


The average income from the Smart Tag was $300-$500 daily. Sometimes, revenue from the Tag covered 50% of the traffic cost. 

Remember that the CR depends on the traffic type, source, and chosen GEOs.

Your CR can potentially grow even bigger than in this case - just make sure to test different GEOs and see which perform exceptionally. Spot this recommendation for your push subscriptions. 

Here is how the daily stats look at PropellerAds:


And here come the daily stats from ProPush.me, including profit and conversions:


Comments and insights

The juiciest part of our case study is still ahead! So stay tuned and let’s discuss more numbers to make some conclusions about the Smart Tag efficiency. 

The total amount of traffic for chosen GEOs: 65,814,640 impressions 

As our partner informed us, his first tests with Smart Tag were performed on the limited traffic volume. So it’s not surprising that not all the traffic purchased from PropellerAds was driven to the pre-lander with the ProPush tag.

In general, our partner has spent $37 210 to buy traffic at PropellerAds  for his Sweepstakes offer.

The ProPush Smart Tag brought $11 114 of additional income for the same traffic during the same period, which makes about 30% of the traffic cost. 

Summing up

So, our main conclusion about the efficiency of the ProPush.me Smart Tag is… It works! You have all chances to get 30% of your traffic cost without any significant effort. 

Additional monetization with push subscriptions suits almost any vertical, but it is especially winning for Sweepstakes offers because of their simple flow. Users don’t experience any difficulties when interacting with your offer - an opt-in window is non-invasive and does not interrupt their browsing anyhow. 

Choosing the pricing model, you have two options:

  • CPS (payment per every subscribed user) - instant income for everyone looking for fast results. Especially suitable for high subscription prices.
  • Revshare (long-term payment that lasts during the entire subscription period) - this one ensures that subscribers continue to bring cash for a pretty long time, + duplicate subscriptions are also paid. Revshare was chosen by our partner.

And here is another great news from ProPush - it has adaptive rates. What does it mean? If the system marks your traffic as high-quality, you will have a chance to get an individual plan (for instance, raising the CPS rate). 

So, start getting more money with PropPush.me Tag today - install it to your pre-landing or landing page and enjoy the flows of income flooding right into your pocket! 

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ProPush.Me is a platform for monetization of traffic with push subscriptions

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