Exclusive: Interview with Luke, the affLIFT Founder

Today, we are sharing an exclusive interview with Luke Kling, talking about his expertise, stellar creations, and insights about the developing world of technology. 

Affiliate marketing is a whole world and we have our own celebrities here! One of them is Luke, a well-known finder of affLIFT forum, which is one of the largest affiliate marketing communities on the web. 

Today, we are sharing an exclusive interview with him, talking about his expertise, stellar creations, and insights about the developing world of technology. 

Read on!

- Hey! Please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about your forum

My name is Luke Kling, and I own the best affiliate marketing forum, affLIFT. I launched affLIFT over 6 years ago and we’ve grown to a community of over 100,000 affiliates. 

- Where did you get your expertise? What’s your experience?

I started working in the affiliate marketing industry when I was a teenager as both an affiliate and an Affiliate Manager. Over 20 years later, I am still in the affiliate marketing industry and running my own affiliate marketing campaigns. I’ve worked for a few different companies in the industry and I now work with most companies in the industry.

There are very few people in the industry who have as much experience as I do. I don’t say that to brag. It’s factually true. I’ve stuck with the industry for most of my life while most people will jump out of it as quickly as they jumped in.

I love affiliate marketing and I really enjoy working with affiliates and trying to help them be successful!

- You developed a tool that automatically imports revenue into a tracker every day. How did you come to this idea? What was your inspiration?

As I said, I run my own affiliate marketing campaigns and I’ve used ProPush to help monetize my campaigns for years. In May of 2023, I created a thread on affLIFT asking anyone if they had a way to automatically import their push revenue into their tracking tools. A few people had solutions, but that is when I decided to create my own.

I’ve been developing my own tools to help me make money online since I was 13 years old. I suggest everyone look for ways to create tools to help make their jobs easier. This is especially easy now that you can use AI to help you. If you want to make extra money, create tools that you can use to solve your problems and sell them to other people too!

I created Push2Tracker as a way for me and members of affLIFT to automatically import their push revenue into their tracking tools every single day. Nearly 3000 people have signed up to use the tool in about 1 year 😄

- Could you please explain how it works? 

You sign up for Push2Tracker and add your ProPush API key to your account. You also add your tracking link and postback link from your tracker. Push2Tracker will check your ProPush earnings throughout the day on a Campaign (Source) level, and once you have a Source that has earned more than the minimum amount you have set on your account, the tool will automatically create a click for that Source. The next day, Push2Tracker will fire a postback for that click with the total earnings you had yesterday on the Source.

It sounds complicated and I’m bad at explaining things like this, but basically it automatically imports your push revenue into your Campaign on your tracker so your tracker will more accurately reflect your actual earnings/profit/ROI. Once you setup Push2Tracker to work with your tracking tool and ProPush, you won’t have to ever log into it again. It’ll automatically import your revenue every single day for every campaign you run using ProPush!

Oh, and it’s free to use! Just enter your email here.

- Push industry is actively developing. What do you think about Push Notifications in 2024?

As both a publisher and advertiser, I am very bullish on push. I have seen that you can still earn a substantial amount of revenue by collecting push subscribers on your affiliate marketing landing pages, and as an advertiser, you can still run successful push notification campaigns.

- What perspectives do you see for Push Notifications as an ad format?

I think push has a nice long term future in our industry. The browser wars with push have calmed and it seems like this will be a good opportunity for affiliates long into the future.

One thing that I think is very important for the future of push is that ad networks do not get too aggressive in their monetization. If they do a good job of that, then I think this could be a great opportunity for a long time.

- What new technologies do you think will evolve in 5 years? How might they influence the industry?

Push as an ad format has led to other cool opportunities both as an advertiser and a publisher. We now have an in-page push, which is essentially a unique banner ad, but it can have great performance. We have monetization opportunities that were not available before for our landing pages.

Our industry constantly evolves and changes, and that is one of the reasons I love it so much. What will it look like in 5 years? I have no idea. But, I am excited to find out!

- What recommendations do you have for newbies willing to advertise and monetize with Push Notifications?

Test, test, and test some more. This has been the affiliate mantra for decades because it holds true. You will probably not be successful on your first push ad campaign. That’s okay! There is a learning curve with every new ad format and ad network you test. Don’t give it.

For monetization, it will take a while for the push revenue to really stack up. For the most part, you are going to be paid a revshare. That is fine. Accept the revshare! It’s the best opportunity to earn long-term revenue. Collect your subscribers and keep an eye on your daily growth. Of course, if you use Push2Tracker, you will have an easier time with this 🙂

Lastly, if you are struggling with push and you don’t know what you are doing wrong, join affLIFT and read through our push notification forum or create a thread and ask for help. We have hundreds of members active daily who have done what you are trying to do, and they would love to help 🚀

You can also email me anytime, and I’ll be happy to help! 

So stay tuned and check our blog for more exclusive materials, case studies, interviews, guides, and more!

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