Testing affiliate marketing campaigns is always about spending — and often about losses. Sometimes, these losses are very significant and disappointing.
Can you fight this somehow?
Nikolaos, the participant of the Follow-Along contest we organized with PropellerAds and our friend Luke from Afflift, gave us a detailed reply. Meet his case study — and look at how ProPush.me extra monetization helped to ride out a tricky campaign.
About the Case Study
Nikolaos decided to try out two offer types: the one with the Cost-Per-Install conversion from ZeyDoo and a couple of mobile content offers from Golden Goose.
He added the ProPush.me tag to all his landing pages and set the ProPush.me Back Button. In simple terms, it meant that:
- Nikolaos’ landing pages sent subscription requests and collected subscribers. Subscribed users received push notifications and interacted with them, generating revenue for Nikolaos.
- Users who clicked ‘Back’ in their browsers to leave Nikolaos’ landing page were redirected to another relevant offer thanks to the BackButton feature. This way, our partner monetized the maximum number of his landing page visitors.
Now, let’s look at both offer types in more detail.
Offer 1: Cost Per Install
- Traffic Source: PropellerAds
- Tracking Tool: Bemob
- CPA Network: Zeydoo
- Offer: Mobile App with short videos
- Conversion Type: Cost Per Install
- Offer Payout: up to $2 Max
- Targeting: Android
Nikolaos created a campaign with PropellerAds Onclick (Popunder) traffic, picked 3 GEOs to test, and set a pretty broad targeting:

At first, the offer was not doing very well — here are the stats for the first week:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | CR | ROI |
PropellerAds Popunder geo1 | 422 | $9.351 | 0.000% | 19.991% |
PropellerAds Popunder geo2 | 57 | -$2.098 | 0.000% | -41.444% |
PropellerAds Popunder geo3 | 21 | -$6.398 | 0.000% | -84.007% |
As you see, almost everything is in red. But, well, that’s the testing phase!
Nikolaos decided to add more GEOs and see if they performed better. Meanwhile, he noticed that ProPush.me and Back Button script were compensating for the losses: just look at the stats for day 8:
PropellerAds statistics:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | ROI |
PropellerAds Popunder geo1,2,3 | 692 | -$35.192 | -18.02% |
ProPush.me Back Button statistics:
Impressions | Profit |
1811012 | $21.772 |
ProPush.me subscribers statistics:
Subscribed | Impessions | Unsubscribed | Profit |
677 | 182793 | 186 | $2.212 |
Simple math: Nikolaos lost $35 on tests but earned almost $24 with ProPush.me extra monetization, and this almost recovered the inevitable losses of the campaign’s initial stage.
The next five days were pretty successful: here are stats from PropellerAds:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | ROI |
PropellerAds Popunder geo1,2,3 | 3,361 | $55,280 | 8.64% |
And ProPush.me kept making the experience even greener:
Date | Subscribed | Impessions | Unsubsribed | Profit |
18.09.2023 | 649 | 1937166 | 1361 | $11.284 |
17.09.2023 | 2183 | 2363679 | 1968 | $18.945 |
16.09.2023 | 4223631 | 2433842 | 2403 | $24.069 |
15.09.2023 | 3464 | 25113191 | 2516 | $24.898 |
15.09.2023 | 3990 | 2347359 | 2608 | $27.049 |
Total | 13917 | 11595237 | 10896 | $106.346 |
However, as Nikolaos said,
The period from September 19th to 26th turned out to be quite a disaster for this offer. The problem was the flagged domain — in simple words, Google marked it as malicious by mistake.
The result of this mishap is evident from the stats:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | ROI |
PropellerAds Popunder geo1,2,3 | 4400 | -$82.302 | -9.174% |
But when we look at the ProPush.me stats for the same period, it seems that the disaster is not so… disastrous. Nikolaos noted that ‘ProPush.me keeps saving the day even on bad days, making this massive loss a slight profit.’ — here is the proof:
Date | Subscribed | Impessions | Unsubsribed | Profit |
26.09.2023 | 2256 | 1633917 | 1236 | $11.491 |
25.09.2023 | 1358 | 2170467 | 1301 | $13.003 |
24.09.2023 | 1525 | 2178819 | 1430 | $12.903 |
23.09.2023 | 1195 | 2228539 | 1244 | $11.431 |
22.09.2023 | 684 | 2270243 | 1283 | $10.830 |
21.09.2023 | 842 | 2316047 | 1382 | $10.704 |
20.09.2023 | 38 | 2339539 | 1452 | $9.388 |
19.09.2023 | 89 | 2390340 | 1573 | $10.365 |
Total | 7987 | 17527911 | 10901 | $106.346 |
Offer 2: Mobile Content
- Traffic Source: PropellerAds
- Tracking Tool: Bemob
- CPA Network: Golden Goose, Traffic Company
- Offer: Mobile Content
- Conversion Type: 2-Click
While struggling with the short video app campaigns, Nikolaos had also been testing several mobile content offers. Here is what the tests showed after the first three days:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | ROI |
PropellerAds Popunder geo1,2,3 | 6.319 | $25.213 | 2.156% |
ProPush.me was also doing its thing — and made an extra $98. It’s almost 300% more than the overall campaign’s profit!
Subscribed | Impressions | Unsubscribed | Profit |
24416 | 7441804 | 10757 | $98.163 |
Later, Nikolaos made some optimizations, picked the best-performing offers, and continued running traffic — with ProPush.me working alongside.
The Results
To sum up, here is the overall result of all Nikolaos’ campaigns he ran during the Follow-Along Contest:
Campaign | Conversions | Profit | ROI |
All FA campaigns | 29.526 | $92.805 | 1.664% |
Well, he went into the green, and that’s encouraging. But do you want to see something even more encouraging than that?
Look at the overall stats for the same period from ProPush.me:
Date | Subscribed | Impessions | Unsubsribed | Profit |
30.09.2023 | 2031 | 2161226 | 1619 | $14.269 |
29.09.2023 | 1918 | 2172619 | 1636 | 15.051 |
28.09.2023 | 2204 | 2175769 | 1575 | 14.479 |
27.09.2023 | 2571 | 2183157 | 1557 | 14.876 |
26.09.2023 | 2801 | 2169149 | 1549 | $14.979 |
25.09.2023 | 1358 | 2170467 | 1301 | $13.003 |
24.09.2023 | 1525 | 2178819 | 1430 | $12.903 |
23.09.2023 | 1195 | 2228539 | 1244 | $11.431 |
22.09.2023 | 684 | 2270243 | 1283 | $10.830 |
21.09.2023 | 840 | 2316047 | 1382 | $10.704 |
20.09.2023 | 38 | 2339539 | 1452 | $9.388 |
19.09.2023 | 89 | 2390340 | 1573 | $10.365 |
18.09.2023 | 820 | 2394346 | 1722 | $14.162 |
17.09.2023 | 2081 | 2335179 | 1995 | $17.877 |
16.09.2023 | 3073 | 2424180 | 2325 | $23.027 |
15.09.2023 | 3607 | 2484048 | 2464 | $23.824 |
14.09.2023 | 4066 | 2519049 | 2642 | $28.735 |
13.09.2023 | 4012 | 1940293 | 2571 | $26.808 |
12.09.2023 | 5118 | 2043175 | 2799 | $26.853 |
11.09.2023 | 5925 | 2035752 | 2869 | $26.733 |
10.09.2023 | 7035 | 1989019 | 3331 | $26.530 |
Total | 97129 | 63955906 | 66407 | $557.652 |
Yes, you got it right. Most of the profit Nikolaos got within the contest period came from ProPush.me— and he earned literally 500% more from push notifications and ProPush.me extra monetization than from his offers.
What shall this teach media buyers?
Don’t be afraid to try and test offers with complicated flows. With the right extra monetization tools, you won’t waste your budget and even keep a failed campaign profitable.
To sum up, ProPush.me is your shield when it comes to red numbers in your media buying account. So why not get armed right away?